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Changelog 2023-11-09

· One min read

This sprint we focused mostly on internal and admin tools to make it easier to continue to support you in your success.

Core improvements

  • You can now add Anvyl credentials directly in the UI on the Setting page. No more sending us your creds.
  • New PO Improvements include a consolidated SKU/Component Pattern and improved vendor and vendor SKU handling.
  • No more accidental button clicks! You'll now see what Florian has named our "Lazy Confirmation" button that will require TWO clicks for dangerous activity.
  • More consistent capitalization across the Vendor, Vendor SKU, and PO workflows. You're welcome.

Admin Tools

  • New admin tool that allows us to reduce accidental duplicates of Vendor SKUs.
  • New admin tool to delete receipts no matter where they came from.
  • New admin tool to edit and merge nodes. Use with caution.