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Changelog 2023-12-21

· 2 min read

Happy Holidays!

Turbine will reflect the holiday spirit through January!


Quality of life improvements

  • You can now communicate with support through the app chat bubble directly!
  • Our Bang Search has been extended to now support searching for orders.
  • We have polished our new homepage even further with shiny, updated icons.
  • Vendors can now be archived on the Vendor details page.
  • Components can now be archived on the Component details page.
  • We can now change how channel names are presented in the app. If you have a "Shopify" channel that you want to call "Pretty Unicorn" Channel, we can make that happen. Contact your account manager directly.

Work orders

  • Work order numbers are now human readable.
  • You can now select vendors to send your work orders to directly in Turbine. Only vendors who are manufacturers will be available for selection.
  • Work orders can be scheduled for emailing, just like Purchase Orders.

Purchase orders

  • Bug fix: You can now add freight shipments to POs, independent of how the PO was created!
  • We now show the Vendor SKU when creating a PO instead of the SKU ID.
  • In the case of multiple Vendor SKUs on the same Vendor, we will now use the most recently updated on PO creation to suggest price.


  • We have a shiny, new Node Details page!
  • You can now archive nodes directly from the node details page.

Other Improvements and Bug squashing

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes led to payments being processed out of order.
  • Your account admin can help your merge SKUs. Please contact your account manager directly for support.