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Changelog 2024-04-18

· 2 min read

Important note: The Turbine team will be at a Company Offsite from Tuesday to Friday next week. We will continue to provide support coverage but responses may be delayed. Please bear with us!


  • We've filtered out locations with 0 inventory in all categories from the location drop down to reduce clutter.
  • Fixed a bug that meant that sometimes the "Reorder By" column was hidden.

Purchase Orders

  • Based on feedback that it was confusing to have a PO with multiple locations, we've now consolidated POs to go to only one location.
  • If all line items on a PO/WO have a weight associated with them, you can now calculate landed costs by weight.


  • The Exceptions page now shows you the timestamp the exception was created for easier consumption at a glance.
  • Improved the language on a couple of exceptions to make it clearer what is a problem

End of Month Inventory Report

  • Fixed an edge case that meant that if the month rolled over before the new EOM report existed, you'd get an error. D'oh!
  • Improved how write offs are calculated and traceable with a new ledger type.
  • Consolidate received inventory across multiple receipt types into one receiving column