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Changelog 2024-05-16

· One min read

Inventory Ledgers Page

Ever find yourself wondering why your inventory numbers changed the way it did? Well, with our new Inventory Ledger page, you'll see more granularity on the exact inventory changes, both increasing and decreasing that are affecting your inventory numbers! Let us know what you think in Slack!

Inventory Forecast

Based on all the great feedback to our existing Inventory Forecasting functionality on the Stock page, we're excited to launch our new Inventory Forecasting page where you can see projected numbers for the next twelve months for any SKU. Let us know what you think in Slack!

Bug Squashes

  • Minimized the scope we request from Shopify to keep our favorite ecommerce platform happy!
  • Fixed a bug where dismissed exceptions were being recreated. No more Ground Hog Day!
  • Fixed a bug where the output cost on work orders were somtimes incorrect. Numbers make sense again.