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Components and SKUs

We heard your feedback. It's now way easier to create new components and SKUs from the relevant pages in the UI.

Inventory Details

You can now see how orders map to inventory on your order details page. You're welcome.

Bug Squashing and General UI Improvements

  • Finally, refunds are presented as a negative number. No more being confused why the totals don't add up.
  • Create on the right, cancel on the left. We've done an audit of some of our dialogue boxes to give you the consistent experience you expect.

· One min read


  • We've polished the UI to better align columns, and made things nice and compact on tables. Should be easier on your eyes.
  • SKUs on the Stock page now link directly to the SKU details page! No more struggling to figure out what TUR-38932 is supposed to be.
  • Payment statuses have fancy new badges (and they're color-coded, too!)

Purchase Orders + Inventory

  • Receiving a PO automatically creates new inventory on the Stock page. One less thing to worry about.
  • Upgrade alert! Our PO emailing feature now automatically updates the Transmitted Date and Acknowledged Date on a purchase order after a vendor accepts it via email.
  • Dive deep into the details: you can now precisely track how your inventory shifts after a customer places an order, right on the Order Details screen.
  • We're also rolling out the ability to edit your purchase order line items, stay tuned...

· One min read


  • We removed page descriptions in the navbar for a cleaner design (let's be real--you know what the inventory page is all about).
  • We also moved user information to the top right corner to be less obtrusive.
  • The 404 page now includes the navbar so you can get back to where you need to be, no GPS required.

SKUs and Inventory

  • Make your end-of-month inventory reporting a breeze. You can now generate and easily download monthly reports as a CSV.
  • We've also added a SKU details page, where you can learn everything that there is to know about a product: barcode info, vendor information, the whole nine.

Purchase Orders

  • Give your inbox a break! You can now create a purchase order and schedule send a PDF version to your favorite vendor.
  • We squashed a bug that only allowed prices to have two decimal places on POs. You can now have up to four--gotta love mathematical accuracy.

· One min read

A lot of work on purchase orders, lots of polishes, and the usual bug squashing and performance improvements.

Purchase Orders

  • Did the PO get delivered exactly as expected? Right from the PO details screen, trigger a button to receive the PO in full.
  • Active POs now stand out with the active indicator on the PO index screen. At a glance, know which POs still have items outstanding.
  • Download the PDF that we're going to send when you cut a PO from the PO screen.


  • We heard you. It's easier than ever to add and edit line items on an Invoice.

Login page

  • The login page got a bit of a facelift. Polishes are so nice.

Outbound Orders

  • It's now easier to see an order's status and channel at a glance with icons that make it easier to understand.
  • We added limits to how wide a table can be so that you don't have to scroll and scroll and scroll.

Work orders

  • See all of your work orders at a glance with our new work orders index page.

· One min read
  • In addition to landed costs by value, users can now calculate their landed costs based on the number of items in purchase orders. Say goodbye to complicated Excel formulas and hello to precise results.

  • Our new UI page for components offers a refreshed and user-friendly interface. All your component information is easily found on one simple index page.

  • We refreshed our 404 page for greater visual appeal. If you happen to encounter a broken link or missing page, this will put you back on track.

· One min read
  • We've upgraded the powers of the search box on the Purchase Order creation page. Now, you can search for components and SKUs all at once.
  • Also, our component and SKU search support isn't just limited to the bulk upload of Purchase Orders. We've unleashed its full potential, allowing you to search like a pro when creating individual PO line items too!
  • Our SKU search now displays the title of the SKU itself as you type. No more guessing games: confidently know what specific item you're ordering!
  • Receipts and invoices can now be linked with specific purchase order line items. Follow a line item from when you order it to all the way to its arrival in your warehouse!

· One min read

Purchase Orders

  • Components are great, confusion is not. We've added icons to line items to differentiate between a product and a component when creating Purchase Orders.
  • Mistakes happen, but what's not fun is figuring out what exactly the problem is. We've updated our error flagging in the Purchase Orders screen to make it easier to spot when something is entered incorrectly.
  • When bulk uploading Purchase Order line items, you don't want to keep adding the same node over and over... and over. You can now specify which Node the PO is for, and we'll apply it to all line items.
  • Payment terms are now supported on Purchase Orders, just click into the box and type away!

· One min read


  • We now support the creation and editing of Bill of Materials (BOMs)! Components for BOMs can be made up of either components or existing Turbine SKUs.
  • Huge purchase orders can be annoying to deal with, but not anymore! With our new Purchase Order Line Item Bulk Upload, large POs can easily be added to the platform. Just activate the toggle on the Create Purchase Order screen.
  • We've added more consistent error handling across the platform. Hopefully you won't run into any (fingers crossed), but if they do pop up, it will be a smoother experience.
  • Viewing the relationship between your documents just got easier. We now display the association between POs and their related receipts and invoices in the sidebar.


  • Squashed a bug that altered entered dates on purchase orders based on time zones. Transmitted date, acknowledged date, and requested ready date will all save correctly now.

· One min read

Purchase Orders

  • You can now see the status of partially fulfilled purchase orders, which appear in icons on the sidebar
  • The UI of the purchase order detail screen has been updated to display the requested ready date, expected ready date, and actual ready date on top of each PO
  • You can create multiple purchase orders at once using the "submit more" toggle switch
  • A pop-up message appears to notify you when PO is created successfully


  • The shortcut Command + K pulls up a search bar, which can be used to move throughout the app
  • Vendors are now listed alphabetically


  • Squashed a bug in the purchase order detail screen. The fixed link will now take you to the correct page.

· One min read
  • Launched flow for PayPal integration
  • New Inventory Management Page
  • New Order Details Page includes order line items
  • New Freight Shipments Page with off-the-shelf support for C. H. Robinson
  • Ability to edit a purchase order after-the-fact
  • SKU Page now presents items in alphabetical order