Landed Costs everywhere
Based on your feedback, you can now see your most recent Landed Costs for any SKU at the top of the SKU details page.
We're also showing you the trend of your landed costs over time
This is a great way to see how costs are trending over time.
Search Experience
You love our CMD-K functionality so much that we expanded it to include search.
Learn how to use our bang shortcuts in our docs
Incoming Inventory
Incoming inventory is now highlighted on your Stock page next to your inventory on-hand!
New pages
- A shiny new work orders details page
- A fancy new freight shipments details page
Polishes and user experience
- On a PO, we know use the vendors incoterm by default. You can always override it!
- On a PO, we suggest the price you told us when you first entered the Vendor SKU, but you can change it.
- On an invoice, we also suggest the default price, but you can change it as-needed!